SRHA General Meeting - April 29th, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:35pm by President Ani Ruiz Chang; Pledge of Allegiance.
Officer D. Graziadei gave the Davie Police Department update:
- No major incidents in Southwest Ranches;
- Several residential burglaries; please check your home alarm system and make sure it is activated when leaving the house;
- An increase in sign vandalism in the town;
- Rosina Marrapodi suggested the public be educated about a new synthetic drug;
- Bill Greene said there was an accident at Mustang and Hancock;
- Judi Parker requested more patrolling on Mustang.
Councilman Gary Jablonski gave an update on projects, town events, and fielded questions and comments from residents:
- Congratulated new board;
- The Education Advisory Board is holding a food truck event on May 30th at the Equestrian Park to raise money for scholarships; there will be raffle baskets;
- Chris Brownlow requested that a microphone be available for our meeting nights;
- With regard to the Stirling Road guard rails, the survey work has been completed;
- Regarding the LED speed limit signs, it’s too complicated for our existing company; the work is going out to a new bidder;
- On May 28th from 9:30 until 2:30, the Mini-FLOW mobile will be at Town Hall for Driver’s License renewals, etc.;
- There will be a household hazardous waste event on July 11th at the Rolling Oaks Park;
- Last month, he was asked to check on a bulk trash problem on Luray Road; Code Enforcement is on it, and many homeowners have been cited;
- Sandra Farah asked what is done about bulk trash violators; if there is an excessive amount of vegetation, it will be picked up and the homeowner will be billed; if it is hazardous waste, e.g. tires, the homeowner will be fined; or the violation will be flagged by Code Enforcement;
- A safety grant program was passed by the town council; HOAs may apply for the grant, there is a $40,000 limit, HOA must match 25%, town reimburses HOA up to 75%.
Aster Knight spoke about the Aster Knight Parks Foundation; the Chili Cook-off was fun and enjoyed by all. On November 14th, the fundraiser will be a classic car show at the Rolling Oaks Park; looking for volunteers for a host committee, please call December or Aster.
Ani gave her President’s Report:
- Is contacting the town and other HOAs, studying the by-laws, connecting with committee leaders;
- Challenges faced by SRHA: lack of participation by members and low membership;
- Has heard about tensions and differences in the past, so let’s “put the past behind us.”
Committee Reports:
Waggler committee consists of Saied Taie-Tehrani, Ellen Wellington, and Ani. Saied thanked Esther for doing a great job on the ads. Ellen will be putting the next issue together, as William Wellington will be in Europe. William has said that he wants to continue as editor.
Membership: Judi reported we have 265 members and have collected $6,625.25 in dues; will mail another invoice to homeowners who have not yet responded. Sandra stated that she is “blown away by Judi” and all that she has been doing through the years; it’s a lot of work.
Drainage: Vince Falletta stated that the new executive board has many new ideas and is bringing the SRHA back into the “Sunshine.”
Communication: Headed by Ani; has created a new e-mail list; meeting announcement was e-mailed; new Facebook page, please go to the page and “like” it; all communications will be funneled through the Facebook page; website will have a calendar incorporated into it; would like to have photos taken during the meetings and posted on the Facebook page; call or e-mail Ani or Sandra to disseminate information if you don’t have a Facebook page.
Lost and Found: Chris noted that the Stevens family of Sweetwater Farms lost their boxer; there are now photos of the animals which will be posted on Facebook.
Beautification: Bill Greene will stay on until Ani finds a replacement. Ani suggested a project to improve the appearance of all our Sunshine Ranches signs; Bill said he has tried to improve the appearance of the signs, but December wants only low-maintenance plants (natives). The sign at Hancock and Griffin needs to be cleaned up.
Hospitality: Ani and Rosina bring coffee and dessert.
Unfinished business: Ani introduced the officers and the board.
New business:
- Ruth Wolff wanted to brag about her 11-year-old grandson who plays the trombone; he has been selected to play in the Air Force Jazz Band in Washington, DC.
- Ellen’s youngest daughter, Taylor, is going on a mission trip to Mexico with other high school students from her church and will be working on an orphanage.
- Ani stated the new board has three basic goals:
1. Create a meeting environment that is more focused and meetings that are shorter in duration;
2. Increase membership and participation;
3. The financial recovery and prosperity of SRHA.
- Ani has instituted a suggestion box: anonymous; general suggestions to improve the association, meetings, etc.
- A scholarship application was submitted by Chris to Ani on behalf of the Education Advisory Board; scholarships are awarded for service hours to students 18 to 25 years old; the applications are reviewed by a group of retired teachers. Check the Southwest Rancher for more information.
- Ani suggested making fundraising a new committee.
Open discussion:
- Bob Parker asked who has the meeting signs; the Parkers have one, as does Ellen; Chris volunteered her students to make new signs (can be added to their portfolios) and will happily accept donations for the signs.
- Bob stated that more can be accomplished by speaking to one of the councilmen in attendance at our meetings than by speaking for three minutes at a town meeting.
- Ani feels it’s important to have the board members attend the council meetings to become familiar with the people and the process.
Treasurer’s report: Dennis Hugdahl reported an account balance as of March 31 of $8,533.44; checks totaling $4,424.06 were since written, $2,600 is spoken for, leaving a balance of approximately $1,500.
Ani wished all mothers a “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.