SRHA General Meeting - May 27th, 2015
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:37pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Davie Police Department update: by Officer D. Graziadei
Crime statistics for the last four months included 230 service calls;
There were three burglaries: one residence, one shed, one vehicle; (was that for the last month though or YTD. Seems low. All the other stats are YTD, Perhaps move to after YTD stats if from last month only.
Year to date: 843 traffic citations, 452 in Sunshine Ranches;
77 accidents so far this year, 104 last year in the same time frame;
In the 199th block of Griffin, there was a recent traffic fatality
Update on Town Events & Projects: by Councilman Gary Jablonski
Stirling Road guardrail project is in progress;
The Schools and Education Advisory Board scholarship fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday May 30th, from 4-8pm at the Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park;
The Grand Opening ceremony for the Country Estates “Fishing Hole Park,” at 190th and Griffin, is scheduled for June 27th from 10:00am to noon;
The Town’s birthday party tentatively scheduled for the beginning of November;
President’s Report: by Ani Ruiz Chang
There will be a SRHA membership table at the Education Board’s fundraiser;
New logo for the Association being developed;
Four standing committees (according to by-laws) will report at the monthly meetings; other committee reports only as needed.
Treasurer’s Report: by Dennis Hugdahl.
Current bank balance $2,820;
Checks to be deposited $1,700.
All outstanding Waggler expenses have been fully paid
Committee Reports:
Waggler: Saied Taie-Tehrani took over the advertisements for the Waggler; deadline date for all submissions has been changed from 10th of the month to 8th so that Waggler is received by the residents before monthly general meetings of the SRHA.
Membership: Judi Parker stated that there are now 286 members.
Sunshine: Rachel Greene asked everyone to make her aware of resident news so she can send appropriate acknowledgments.
Drainage: Vince thanked the president and the new executive board for their enthusiasm and the Town for making the new microphone available for our meetings; if it is approved, the drainage district will subsidize the Mustang and Hancock project.
Beautification: Ani reported that Sunshine Ranches entrance signs will be improved; awaiting landscape design plan from the Town to speak to local nurseries about “Adopt-a-Corner” initiative, which will request plant donations and monthly maintenance of the entrance they select.
Unfinished Business:
Meeting signs – Waiting on final logo to proceed;
Suggestion Box: input from April meeting on 2015 Priorities for Board:
1. Promote and unite the community through social events;
2. Increase membership;
3. Improve finances;
4. Keep meetings & resident comments short, decrease interruptions when others are speaking.
New Business:
Waggler updates: working on new logo design and editing of the Waggler, hoping to launch for July issue, with new content and ads and ongoing improvements going forward.
Request for Suggestions: 2015-2016 social/fundraising events; Waggler content, & Safety Improvements.
2015 Christmas Party will be Town-wide, collaborating with other HOAs and it will be held at the Rolling Oaks Barn.
Neighborhood Safety Grant Program: Town has approved a Safety grant of $40,000. HOA should submit application for one specific area of improvement; if approved, project must be completed within nine-months and Town will reimburse 75% of cost.
Open Discussion:
A resident asked if we can legally have a 50-50 raffle at our general meetings to raise money. Ani responded that a fundraising committee is going to be established and they will look at several possibilities;
A resident suggested that Public Works provide us with “Watch out for Horses” signs for Mustang Trail to improve road safety around horses; Gary responded that he would take care of it.
Call to Action: Ani encouraged the members to do one of the following:
- Attend the food truck event on Saturday;
- Look into the town advisory boards –SR is under-represented;
- Volunteer for the beautification or fundraising committees;
- Invite someone to next month’s meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.