SRHA General Meeting, September 30, 2015
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. New attendees introduced themselves.
Davie Police Department Update by Detective Greg Brillant
6700 block of Dykes Road: motorcycle crash
Illegal handicapped parking enforcement will be heightened, $250 fine
Cars parked on swales & partial roadway is fine if emergency vehicles are able to get through
In past month, 13 car burglaries in Ivanhoe Estates and two east of Volunteer, involved mainly unlocked vehicles – LOCK YOUR CARS!
Car went into the canal in the 13900 block of Stirling, no injuries;
Car rollover, no ejections or injuries, closure of Stirling & Volunteer intersection;
Illegal Parking along 130th Avenue by parents picking up kids from school will be addressed as state law requires cars to park a certain distance from corner.
Update on Town Events and Projects by Councilman Gary Jablonski
Public Service Announcements:
October 10: Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics & Bulk Drop Off Event and Shred-A-Thon;
October 17: Craft Fair at Equestrian Park;
October 22: Mini-Flow: Florida Licensing on Wheels;
October 31: ROCA sponsoring Halloween at the Barn;
November 7: Town’s Birthday Party at the Rolling Oaks Barn with a “Dunk Tank” involving the Town Council.
Active Capital Projects:
Design phase of a new roof for Town Hall, parking lot will be improved;
Design phase for a playground at Caloosa Corner;
In the next 45 days, guardrails will be installed on Stirling, followed by striping.
The rumble strips on Stirling have dropped the average speed 5 MPH and the maximum 20 MPH. Resident noted that only 40 people supported rumble strips on Stirling.
Historical Society: Laura Warren reported that the Society has received very well-kept documents, artwork & memorabilia. Framed photos will be hung at Rolling Oaks Barn, and original Sunshine Ranches bronze plaques will be cut into the Equestrian Park stones. Town Hall walls will be utilized for exhibits; the first two will be “Early Pioneers” & “In the News.” Arcadia Publishing employs authors to write books about towns; Assembled historical information will be submitted to Arcadia Publishing which will publish a book of our history at no cost, for sale to residents for approx. $20-25.00.
President’s Report by Ani Ruiz Chang
Adopt a Corner: an initiative to clean up and landscape the entrances; need donations of plants, money, and volunteerism.
The SRHA will host a pumpkin patch at the Town’s birthday celebration.
Treasurer’s Report
Saied noted that the report is in October’s Waggler.
Committee Reports
Membership (Sandra): 307 members total. Bob made a donation for the beautification of the entrance walls; Ani singled out Judi and Bob for their tireless support; we need new people to get involved.
Drainage (Vince Falletta): The catch basin and drainage project on Mustang and Hancock hasn’t started yet; this is the newest project we have going. Thanked Laura for all of her work on the Historical Society.
Unfinished Business
Meeting Signs: Gratitude to Bob for going out on Mondays to place the signs and removing them on Thursdays.
Road Signs: Identifying all streets in Sunshine Ranches needing horse crossing signs, stop signs, speed limit signs and location of metal rods that need to be removed; wants to be consistent with the signage on our streets; submittal to Town by end of October.
New Business
Aster Knight: On November 14, there will be a Classic Car event in the Rolling Oaks Park; AKF was formed to partner with the Town in development of parks. To date, $80,000 has been raised and invested back into our parks.
Neighborhood Safety Grant: Ani stated that our proposal was decided upon by the majority of the members attending the general meetings; a petition with 80 signatures opposing the rumble strips was presented. Following is the general consensus from residents regarding the proposed rumble strips project:
Speeding is obviously a problem in the Ranches;
Negatives: Rumble strips may adversely affect golf carts & cars, potentially reduce property values, increase noise
Positives: Significant reduction of speeding & thru-traffic, No damage to cars
Alternate Solutions: Increased Police presence, Solar Powered Speed Limit Sign that flash vehicle’s speed, Town Survey, Camera
Conclusion: Davie Police will increase presence on Luray & Mustang for next 30 days, with resident feedback expected in late October. SRHA will research cost for solar speed limit signs & Camera solutions, discuss Survey option with SRW.
Call to Action: Speak well of us (SRHA) to your neighbors, encourage them to come!
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.