SRHA Meeting February 24, 2016
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ani recognized new attendees: Shakira Byers and Vaughn Martin, who moved to the Ranches just over a year ago.
Davie Police Department Update by Lieutenant Maureen Themis-Fernandez
Citations: January - 171, February - 129, 46 in Sunshine Ranches
Reported accidents:January - 32; February – 16.
Update on Town Events and Projects by Councilman Gary Jablonski
In response to last month’s concern of a resident regarding the publication of Town meetings dealing with land use or zoning changes, the notifications are published in the due to a lower cost and greater circulation;
Bidding is going out for the re-striping of Stirling Road from Volunteer to Flamingo;
Ani stated that the Town has proposed to purchase a parcel of land, approximately 24.5 acres, in the western section of the Town, for $8.1 million; she asked Gary to elaborate.Gary recounted the history of the property. Councilman Steve Breitkreuz presented a worst-case scenario: in the sixth year, the property taxes for the debt retirement would be $244 for every $250,000 of assessed property valuation; otherwise, the taxes would be $154.
Aster Knight: In 2008, Aster created the Aster Knight Parks Foundation, a 501c (3) organization, to partner with the Town to support and sustain public parks operated by the Town of Southwest Ranches. The Foundation has given $56,236 to various parks projects. The Chili Cook Off, Saturday, March 5th, is the largest fundraiser for the Foundation; a new fundraiser, the Classic Car Show, was also very successful.
President’s Report (Ani)
The next meeting, March 30th, is the election meeting; voting for the new Board will take place. Some of this past year’s accomplishments included establishment of a brand; design of a new logo; a Facebook page; a redesigned Waggler with full color; attracted new advertisers; launched the Adopt-A-Corner initiative; participated in, hosted, or co-hosted 7 different events; discussed needs of the residents in the Neighborhood Safety Program; encouraged more volunteers to get involved.
Treasurer’s Report
Saied noted that $1,451 had been collected from advertisers and $50 in membership dues; the Waggler was mailed today.
Committee Reports
Membership (Judi Parker): 317 members.
Waggler: Ani shared concern for regular late payments from of our advertisers.
Drainage (Vince Falletta): Not much on drainage; the project at Mustang and Hancock has been completed; another project is in the works. Under an agreement with FPL, Luray residents from Volunteer to Flamingo cannot build anything in the 330-foot easement; these residents should be getting a 100% exemption from assessment of the property.
Unfinished Business
Annual Elections Meeting: Ani introduced Vilma Lopez and Ryan Case. Vilma, a 10-year resident, was inspired to get involved because of what she saw that the Board has accomplished this year. Ryan, a 5-year resident, wants to help out. Ani explained the election process that will take place on March 30th from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. At the April meeting, the new Board will be inducted with an Installation of Officers.
Annual Dues Increase: $25 in dues brings in very limited funds, and due to past financial challenges the account for printing the Waggler is in arrears. The goal is to have the advertising pay for the publication and member dues pay for events & improvements. Discussion followed. Most of the members in attendance agreed with the increase to $50. Saied made a motion to increase the dues to $50; Shirley Mantell seconded; the motion was passed with a majority show of hands.
New Business
2016-2017 Goals: Ani would like feedback from members.
Member Benefits: Right to vote; free classifieds; publication of personal news/articles in the Waggler, discounted event fees.
Open Discussion
Councilman Jablonski noted a correction to the January 27, 2016, general meeting minutes; the item regarding the pavilion to be installed at Trailside Park as a memorial to Gary Poliakoff is still under consideration by the Parks Board and has not yet been sent to the Council for approval.
Call to Action:
Volunteer for one of the committees this month.
Ani apologized for omitting David Kuczenski as a Board Candidate, andintroduced Dave before adjourning.
Ani wished all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and a blessed Easter.
Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.