SRHA General Meeting April 27, 2016
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ani recognized Dee Schroeder.
Davie Police Department Update by Officer Jonas Bogdon
April: 30 citations issued, 23 reported accidents;
Dave Kuczenski mentioned that he followed two illegal dumpers, who were dumping trash bags of paint cans along Holatee; he reported the incident to police who advised him to discontinue following the men.
Guest Speaker: Andy Berns, Town Administrator
Southwest Ranches is a council administrative form of government;
Has his cell phone number on his business card, answers calls, makes himself available, and has an open-door policy;
His primary job is to present a balanced budget annually to the Council;
The current budget is $10 million, 55-60% of which is for police and fire services;
The millage rate is $4.3354 per $1000 of assessed property value, which is the seventh lowest in Broward County;
Town Projects:$300,000 is coming from the State for the installation of guardrails from Volunteer to Hancock and to fill in the gaps from Hancock to Flamingo; this will be followed by new signage and the re-striping of Stirling; some roads in Sunshine Ranches are on board for this year’s paving project; also reviewing engineering fees.
Installation of Officers by Councilman Gary Jablonski, who swore in the newly elected Board; since Ryan Case was not in attendance, he will be sworn in at next month’s meeting.
President’s Report (Ani)
Everyone feels invincible on January 1st; today is January 1st for the SRHA – brand new year, new day to feel excited about our neighborhood: join a Committee, volunteer time, write for the Waggler; thanked all for their support, coming to tonight’s meeting.
Treasurer’s Report (Judi Parker)
The balance as of March 31 was $752.87, $11,375 ($625 of which was for advertising) has been deposited, $6,042 in checks written, leaving a balance as of April 28 of $6,085.74; we have 215 members, our goal is 375 members.
Committee Reports
Waggler (Ani): We continue to weed out ads by advertisers who are not paying; historically, the lag time was longer, so advertisers are not used to paying on a timely basis.
Sunshine (Rachel Greene): A card was sent to the Case family, congratulating them on their new baby boy.
Drainage (Vince Falletta): No new projects in Sunshine Ranches; visited Esther Wellington who had taken care of many things for the Association, such as advertising, picking up the mail, etc.
Beautification: Ani stated that Ryan has joined the committee, while Bill Greene has retired from it.
New Business
Canyon Creek Land Development: 47 acres at the northwest corner of Sheridan and Flamingo; Jeff and Frank would like to get feedback from our community; presented conceptual renderings of the project’s development; no access from the project into Sunshine Ranches; perhaps an entrance and exit from Sheridan and one or two from Flamingo; along Appaloosa and the property: install an eight-foot berm with trees and shrubs; will landscape to make it as pleasing as possible, large retention area, horse trail; now zoned rural ranches, one house per two acres; aesthetics of development: smaller “Florida Vernacular” buildings, major drugstore at the corner (Walgreens), restaurants, bank, emergency care center, office buildings; will abide by the Town’s “Dark Sky” lighting ordinance; at some point, they will appear before the Town Council to request a change from rural ranches to light commercial; will advertise in the Waggler for several months to obtain feedback from residents; will also present to all the other HOAs for their feedback. Sandra suggested a rendering showing the proximity of the proposed buildings to the nearby homes and also a special meeting just to address this development and receive feedback.
Southwest Ranches Upcoming Elections: The Mayor’s seat and the seats of Councilmen Doug McKay and Freddy Fisikelli may all be open.
Open Discussion
Ani would like suggestions placed in the suggestion box.
Call to Action:
Mail in your membership fee;
Volunteer for one of the committees this month;
Bring a friend to a meeting.
Ani wished all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.
Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.