SRHA General Meeting May 25, 2016
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:38 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Davie Police Department Update by Officer D. Graziadei
Town-wide crime statistics:May: 22 reported accidents, 140 citations; year to date: 135 reported accidents, 825 citations;
Illegal Dumping:In regard to Dave’s report last month of paint dumping, Ani requested increased police presence the weekend prior to bulk pickup; Officer G. produced an informational letter from the State regarding illegal dumping and suggested it be printed in the ; Dave presented him with a bulk pickup schedule.
Update on Town Events and Projects by Councilman Gary Jablonski
Administered the oath of office to Ryan Case as a newly elected Director;
Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics, and Bulk Drop-off Event and Shred-a-Thon at the Rolling Oaks Park on July 9;
Town is in budget season now, preparing the budget for next year;
The Stirling Road striping is out for bid; the striping, as well as the installation of guardrails, will be completed by the end of next year;
A 1% sales tax increase is under consideration for Broward County; there are two taxes in play: an infrastructure tax and a transportation tax; the Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization is advocating for the infrastructure tax, while the Broward County Commission favors the transportation tax.
President’s Report (Ani)
Zito Landscape Design is committed to landscaping the entrance sign at Flamingo and Stirling in June; Ani is now working on designs for the new entry signs; has a tentative design for the honor plaques; there is an article in the Waggler regarding nominating new honorees; is also working to secure vendors for the launch of a Farmer’s Market.
Treasurer’s Report (Ani gave the report in Judi’s absence)
The balance as of April 29 was $5,235.84, $1,250 was deposited, $1,778.58 in checks written, leaving a balance as of May 25 of $4,707.26; we have 240 members, our goal is 375 members.
Committee Reports
Waggler (Ani): There is $10,850 in advertising monies pending collection through the end of the year.
Sunshine (Rachel Greene): Thirteen welcome letters were sent out.
Drainage (Vince Falletta): No new projects in Sunshine Ranches; working on one near 136th Avenue for a catch basin; wants to reinstate the telephone committee; “Happy Father’s Day to those who are.”
Unfinished Business
Canyon Creek Land Development: Ani requested comments on the presentation given last month; discussion about the history of the project followed; previously, the supply of water was the stumbling block; now, water will be supplied by Sunrise Utilities; pros and cons discussed.
Open Discussion
Vince complimented Mr. Zito on the beautification of the entrance sign at Hancock and Griffin;
Ani asked for suggestions of priorities for 2016-2017;
A resident asked about the annual dues; Ani explained the process involved in increasing the dues.
Call to Action:
Volunteer to serve on one of the committees, especially the Committee.
Ani wished all fathers a Happy Father’s Day and thanked all Veterans for their service.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.