SRHA Feneral Meeting Minutes – August 31, 2016
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:38pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Davie Police Department update: by Officer D. Graziadei
No major crime activity or trends reported since last meeting. Most common reports are burglaries from barns and unlocked vehicles. Most vulnerable house entry points are rear sliding doors. Tips: security lighting, lock doors and use alarms, add a vacation watch with the Davie Police when traveling. Non-emergency telephone number is (954) 764-HELP.
A resident reported that his property had been burgled in January and although he had provided significant leads to the Davie police, no significant action had been taken. Town officials and Officer Graziadei committed to following up with the appropriate people to get an acceptable resolution.
Year to date: 1062 traffic citations written town wide (385 less than last year at same time)
196 accidents year to date (43 more than last year at same time)
Update on Town Events & Projects: by Councilman Gary Jablonski:
Stirling Road striping work will commence on 9/12/2016.
Town is offering free mosquito dunks (2 per residence) in an effort to control mosquitoes and lower risk of residents becoming infected with Zika. Can be collected at Town Hall. Also available for sale at hardware stores. Safe around animals.
A council workshop will be held at Town Hall on 9/13/16 at 7:00 pm on the Recovery Residences (“Sober” Homes) that are located in our town.
Annual budgeting process is ongoing. A workshop will be held at Town Hall on 9/14/16 at 6:00 pm. The final budget proposal will be voted on at the Town Council meeting on 9/29.
President’s Report: by Ani Ruiz Chang
Oasis at Equestrian Park: volunteer cleanup and landscaping. The area will be pressure washed and weeded by volunteers on 9/8 and the Sunshine Ranches Kids Club will help with the planting on 9/10. Thanks to the Town for donating needed materials.
Farmer’s Market: First Saturday of every month beginning Oct 1, 2016. Will be held at the Equestrian Park, 10:am – 2:00 pm. Cost for vendors - $35/booth; free entry for patrons. Still accepting vendors. Contact Ani if you can know anyone who would be interested in participating. Great opportunity even for residents who have excess produce in their yards (mangoes, coconuts, avocados, citrus etc.).
Local elections: the Presidents’ Council will coordinate a debate in October so that residents can get to know and compare the candidates running for positions on the Town Council. More to come on this.
Planned Events: Joint Christmas party with the other HOAs again this December.
Treasurer’s and Membership Reports: by Judy Parker.
•Bank balance end July: $4005.10; Member dues deposited: $250.00; Advertising fees deposited: $1,885.00; Checks written: $1,778.58
Membership currently 262 households.
Committee Reports:
-Cleanup and landscaping of Oasis area of Equestrian Park already covered; landscaping work at the main Sunshine Ranches Entrance (Stirling and Flamingo) delayed until September.
-1 new advertiser – an accountant. Also Archbishop McCarthy placed a 2-mth. Advertisement about the new auditorium and classroom building they are planning to build. Expectation is that a few additional short term ads may be placed by candidates going up for election.
-It was reported that our drainage system has coped with the recent storms and rain very well – no major issues reported. Pointed out that residents wishing to stock their ponds with grass eating carp need to obtain a permit. Drainage chair, Vincent Falleta, will provide more details in a Waggler article.
Unfinished Business:
-2016 – 2017 SRHA Priorities: member input was requested so that the Board can determine whether we are on the right track in terms of meeting residents’ interest. Attendees were asked if they would like to see more community events for example, or whether there are major concerns over area safety or how they are being represented to Town Council. Feedback from residents present was:
a) The access to our Town Council representatives at our monthly general meetings was greatly appreciated. Much easier access than is available at the Town Council meetings.
b) One resident expressed concern over the lack of consistency in how the Town’s code is enforced. It was pointed out that this leads back to policy of the Town to only enforce code violations if another resident calls to complain (with a few exceptions relating to bulk pickup.) It was noted that the full code is available on the Town Website, and that informative articles are usually featured monthly in the Southwest Rancher newsletter. Suggestion: perhaps the Waggler can also feature relevant articles or reinstate the “Ask Andy” column. There was some discussion around whether the non-proactive code policy needs to be reexamined in the future.
c) Entryway plaque refurbishment status: they should be reinstalled by end September, after landscaping work is completed at main Sunshine Ranches entrance.
d) Painting of border on entrance walls: a resident asked whether there was a plan to add a border like we had previously – President responded that there is no decision on that yet.
e) Attendees were asked if there was any interest in Waggler being provided online in PDF format. No one present expressed interest in this.
f) It was reported that the Town Council voted to approve the establishment of a US Highway 27 Business land use category (light commercial) for the plot of land at US 27 and Griffin.
New Business:
TSDOR: President Ani Ruiz-Chang read a brief report provided by the Town Engineer on how the Transportation Surface Drainage Ongoing Rehabilitation (TSDOR) project will affect Sunshine Ranches. Appaloosa Trail, Melaleuca Road and SW 56th Street will be the first to be repaved as part of the 20-yr. development plan.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39 pm.