SHRA General Meeting Minutes - April 26, 2017
Outgoing Vice-President, Sandra Farah, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. The new board members were then sworn in by Councilman Gary Jablonski. New President David Kuczenski then introduced himself and the other members of the 2017/2018 Board (See Page 2 for full list).
Davie Police Department update:
13 vehicle accidents, 58 traffic citations, and 1 burglary on a vacant home were reported.
Update on Town Events & Projects: by Councilman Gary Jablonski
Gary listed the ongoing and upcoming events and projects around both Southwest Ranches and Sunshine Ranches.
He recommended that residents always report illegal dumping of trash by generating a police report to avoid being held responsible.
Officer Reports: next were brief updates by President, David Kuczenski, Treasurer and Membership Chair, Judy Parker. Membership currently stands at 206 households, which is good for this time of year. Bank balance is $11, 779.62. (See Treasurer’s Report on Page XX.)
David informed attendees that the board plans to invite special guest speakers for every general meeting. Today’s guest was Mr. Newell Hollingsworth, SWR Comprehensive Plan Advisory Board Chair.
Mr. Hollingsworth introduced himself and gave a very interesting talk about the role of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory board and how they interact with Town leaders to help ensure that there is a balance between the desire to protect our rural lifestyle whilst maintaining infrastructure and controlled development. If any resident is interested in being considered for any of the 6 advisory boards that serve our town they should complete an application, available at the Town Hall.
He highlighted one of the recent accomplishments was the development of a standard architectural plan for residents wishing to build a simple barn with 3 stalls and a tack room. For $250 residents will be able to obtain the plan and permits and the approval process is greatly expedited and very cost effective.
Followed by the presentation, a resident noted that it appears that many animals grazing on lands in our town may not be properly fed. It was noted that some animals may be just very old or recuperating, but if neglect is suspected it should be reported to authorities.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.