Message from the President - April 2023

During the first week of April, we will celebrate Passover on the 5th and Easter on the 9th. May you all share in the light of love and happiness with those dearest to you. Do not forget Mother Earth on the 22nd. How will you honor her…plant a tree, donate to an animal sanctuary, or start your backyard habitat?
Thank you, Detective Jeff Hobales, for your service and dedication to our community. Enjoy your retirement…it is well deserved!
Current News and Updates:
Please take caution from mail theft and auto burglaries! Folks, we cannot stress enough the importance of bringing your mail inside in a timely fashion and securing your valuables from your vehicles (as well as ensuring your keys/key fobs are with you). Report any suspicious activity immediately to the Davie Police Department!
If you would like to host the DPD flashing traffic sign on your swale, please notify the Town. They will help you coordinate with the department. Also, please review (and keep) the valuable information provided by DPD within this issue.
Page three of the March Southwest Rancher gave vital information on fill permits and load capacity. Please review and share with your neighbors.
Thank you to the 2023 Election Committee: Geoff Cohen, Wendi Halberg, and James Starkweather. Another successful election took place on March 29th. The SRHOA officers and board look forward to seeing members at the next meeting, April 26th. Please look for the location and meeting agenda within a week of the 26th via Facebook and Gmail.
Community events:
Thanks to all who supported Water Matter’s Day, The Barn Dance Scholarship Fundraiser, Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser, and The Sikh Youth Diversity Run…all great community events. Your support is a fundamental and vital part to the success of our town.
The SWR Farmers’ Market continues to run each Saturday at Green Meadows Sanctuary. Come and support our local vendors and artisans.
Stay Connected:
Support Southwest Ranches’ Certified Community Habitat status by certifying your own backyard through the National Wildlife Federation’s backyard hab
itat program…it is easy, plus you may purchase and proudly display a certification sign. Go to today to certify.
Springtime is Baby Animal Time: Birds It is common to see baby wild animals outside during spring, as a new generation makes its way into the world. Baby wild animals might seem like they need our help, but unless the animal is truly orphaned or injured, there is no need to rescue them. These tips can help you decide whether to act: the animal is brought to you by a cat or dog; there’s evidence of bleeding; the animal has an apparent or obvious broken limb; a bird is featherless or featherless and on the ground; the animal is shivering; there is a dead parent nearby; the animal is crying and wandering all day long. If you see any of these signs, find help for the animal. If necessary, safely capture and transport them to the appropriate place for treatment.
Mayor Breitkreuz’s “Q & A with Mayor Breitkreuz,” occurs on the second Wednesday of the month. Please join Steve for an informal discussion pertaining to your concerns.
Remember, the Council meets face-to-face at Town Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Occasionally, dates may change. Please check the Southwest Rancher and/or for meeting dates, times, and agendas. Internet viewing is also an option, just go to your YouTube connection and type “Town of Southwest Ranches Official Channel.”
Please stay connected…join our SRHOA Gmail (, visit our website (, or view our posts at
As always be safe, be happy, and be loved.