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Message from the President - January 2021

Hello, Sunshine Ranches Homeowners Association

(SRHOA) residents! May I begin by wishing all of you

health, wealth, and happiness for 2021! We live in a

beautiful community with wonderful people. Together, I

know we will make this an exceptional year.

Here are issues/activities/events I wish to share:

• Perhaps you have seen our communications via email

and/or Facebook. With support from the Town, we are

engaging in initiatives to promote traffic calming, noise

abatement, safety, and responsible use of fireworks.

Thank you for all the positive feedback we have received.

If you have not seen our messages, please check the

Waggler and keep in touch with us through any of the


Also, please read the Town’s monthly Southwest Rancher

for other vital information and contacts. I would be

remiss to not thank Jason Halberg and the rest of the

SRHOA board for their assistance and support.

• In late November, the Town contacted the SRHOA

concerning a proposed Northbound turn lane onto

148th Avenue (Volunteer Road) from Eastbound Sheridan

Street: your input was needed within a short twoweek

response window. You, the residents of Sunshine

Ranches, responded in overwhelming opposition to this

proposal (via our At

the December 9th general meeting, in the presence of

a quorum, the residents motioned to request Council

adopt a resolution supporting our position. The motion

was presented at the December 10th Town Council

meeting, and will move forward in January. Thank you to

Councilman Kuczenski for supporting his residents.

• We have a goal to install our Pioneer Plaques in

2021… if we missed you (a resident of 30 years or more),

please contact us. These tokens of thanks and recognition

will be installed at both major entryways into Sunshine

Ranches (Griffin and Hancock & Flamingo and Stirling),

commemorating our community’s founding families. 3

Message from the President

• Are you planning to go away for the holidays? If

so, please consider Davie Police Department’s (DPD)

Homeowners Vacation Extra Watch, a program created

so homeowners, on brief trips or vacations, can request

an extra watch of their residence. Simply fill out the

form and a Davie Police Officer will make every effort

to conduct an extra watch of your residence while you

are away. DPD urges you not to announce on social

media you are away, and to make arrangements with a

trustworthy neighbor, friend, or family member to collect

your mail or any deliveries you may be expecting. They

also recommend setting outside lights to turn on and off

with a timer. To apply for this program, visit

and complete the online form.

• Have you thought about getting more involved with

the Town or the HOA? Do you believe in our community’s

vision? Here are some ways to help. The Town has several

volunteer boards: consider applying to one which suits

your interest and expertise. Both the Town and the

HOA have publications: consider writing an article for

submission. The HOA has upcoming elections in March.

The SRHOA Nominating Committee is establishing the

slate of officers and board members (which must be

announced in January). If you would like to serve on

the HOA board, and appear on the slate, contact the

following individuals:

Lori Parrish - and

Rose Williams -

Candidates must submit written notice to the SRHOA

secretary, Vilma Lopez.

• The next general meeting of the SRHOA will be

Wednesday, January 27th at 7:30pm. Please look for

Zoom details to be provided.

Again, I wish you a wonderful start to the year, with

warmest wishes for the months ahead.

With love,

Chris Brownlow


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