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Message from the President - March 2022

The month of March brings us much to enjoy: festive Mardi Gras parties on the 1st, the celebration of women on the 8th, corn beef & cabbage on the 17th, and the joy of the vernal equinox as it officially arrives on the 20th.


  • Daylight Saving Time will occur Sunday, March 13th…remember to “spring ahead,” and begin to enjoy longer days once again.

  • The Board, along with membership, is in the process of some By-laws’ revisions. Once completed, all revisions will be posted in the Waggler for your review. Subsequent voting will take place at a monthly membership meeting…sufficient notice will be provided. Should you have any suggestions for changes, please review the By-laws (as posted on and submit your proposals to the board.

  • The SRHOA is in search of help for our Communications Committee. This has been a vital link in keeping folks informed and updated. Thank you, Jason Halberg, for everything you have done. We are extremely appreciative.

  • Get ready…the flamingos are flocking again! Should the birds “fly” to your house, consider donating generously to the SWR Scholarship Fund, then “shoo” the flamingos to another home…lol!!!

  • We are still in the process of supporting a SRHOA project at Equestrian Park. Stay tuned for more details.

  • Please mark your calendars for the following events: 3/12 ROCA Barn Dance (Scholarship Fundraiser); 3/30 SRHOA Elections; 4/9 Sikh Diversity Run at ROCA; 4/10 Party in the Park at Equestrian Park-wear your SRHOA t-shirts!!!


  • Support Southwest Ranches’ Certified Community Habitat status by certifying your own backyard through the National Wildlife Federation’s backyard habitat program…it’s easy, plus you may purchase and proudly display a certification sign. Go to today to certify.

  • Mayor Breitkreuz’s next “Q & A with Mayor Steve Breitkreuz” will be on March 9th. Please join Steve’s Zoom meeting to enjoy a relaxed and collegial discussion concerning events and needs of the Southwest Ranches community.

  • Remember, the Council meets face-to-face at Town Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Occasionally, dates may change. Please check the Southwest Rancher and/or for meeting dates, times, and agendas. YouTube viewing is also an option.

  • Please stay connected…join our SRHOA Gmail (, visit our website (, or view our posts at

As always be safe, be happy, and be loved.


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