Message from the President - October 2022
The Jewish High Holy Days conclude on the 5th. We hope you have enjoyed time with family and friends during this time. Halloween falls on a Monday this year, so please be careful and watch for our little ghouls and goblins as they trick-or-treat.
By now, you should have received your new bin from WM and are receiving services. This note comes from the town’s administrator: We are continuing to update the solid waste FAQs as questions arise from the community. The latest draft is currently being updated. As we get closer to the October 1 implementation date, we will continue to promote this on our website. We will also make use of Constant Contact for email blasts, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts (which will include an imbedded link to bring people to our page). If you go to our website, you will see a “Quick Link” section entitled “Garbage and Recycling” that will always have the latest info. We will also include larger, easier to read maps and other graphics. Page link:
Remember to keep informed with developments regarding the 40-acre property at the corner of Hancock and Griffin. Your SRHOA board remains diligent in providing you, our residents, the latest and most accurate information regarding future plans and construction. Our monthly HOA meetings are your venue for updates.
Sincerest thanks are extended to Cindy Samartino for her continual care and maintenance of the Sunshine Ranches entryways at both the Stirling/Flamingo and Hancock/Griffin main drives into our community.
Thank you, SRHOA members, for the gracious donation to the SWR Arts Board for further painting of the wall at Poliakoff Park (just behind the CVS). Our very own Laura Warren will continue her wonderful work on the panels.
We hope you enjoy this issue’s heartfelt tribute and collage dedicated to Vince Falletta, resident, pioneer, veteran, and founding member of the SRHOA.
As we approach the year’s end, we will plan another end-of-year meeting/holiday party at Equestrian Park. A soon as we decide on a date and time, we will let you all know.
Support Southwest Ranches’ Certified Community Habitat status by certifying your own backyard through the National Wildlife Federation’s backyard habitat program…it is easy, plus you may purchase and proudly display a certification sign. Go to today to certify.
Mayor Breitkreuz’s next “Q & A with Mayor Breitkreuz,” will be on Wednesday, October 12th. The SWR Farmers’ Market is also running each Saturday at Green Meadows Sanctuary.
Remember, the Council meets face-to-face at Town Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Occasionally, dates may change. Please check the Southwest Rancher and/or for meeting dates, times, and agendas. Internet viewing is also an option, just go to your YouTube connection and type “Town of Southwest Ranches Official Channel.”
Please stay connected…join our SRHOA Gmail (, visit our website (, or view our posts at
As always be safe, be happy, and be loved.