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SHRA General Meeting Minutes - November 18, 2020

The meeting started at 7:45pm. A quorum was verified.

Mayor-elect Steve Breitkreuz conducted the Pledge.

David thanked everyone who joined the meeting, and he thanked the

SRHOA for its support during the campaign (as did the other two elected

officials). He announced the election results and council positions:

David Kuczenski-councilman, Jim Allbritton-councilman, and Steve

Breitkreuz-mayor. As of tonight, David resigns his position as a board

member and president of the SRHOA. Chris Brownlow will serve as

president and Vilma Lopez as secretary.

Attendees gave their congratulations to David and the other elected

officials present. They are very happy with the election results and

changes to the town council.

Gary Jablonski noted the swearing-in ceremony for the new council

members will be on the 19th at 5:45pm, followed by the monthly council


We will have a meeting in early December, date and time TBA. A

nominating committee will need to be established, as per the bylaws, for

the upcoming March 2021 election.

The treasurer’s report will be published in the December Waggler.

Membership reports 226 members as of today.

Some items of concern: speeding, drainage, mosquitoes.

Motion 1) Reimburse Cindy Samartino $200 for entryway maintenance.

The motion was made by Tony Brown and seconded by Ed Gonzalez.

The motion carried.

Motion 2) Donate $1,000 to the town’s scholarship fund. The motion was

made by Bob Parker and seconded by Nancy Winston. The motion carried.


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