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SRHA General Meeting Minutes August 31, 2022

Vice President DaNell D’Alfonso welcomed everyone in President Christine Brownlow’s absence and called the meeting to order at 7:39 PM. Councilman David Kuczenski led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This was our first in-person meeting since the Covid pandemic. It was held at Wunderbar Restaurant and was extremely well-attended. Food and beverages were provided.

We had special guests from the Central Broward Water Control District: Water Commissioner David Donzella and District Engineer Adolfo Gonzalez. They gave a thorough history and update of our drainage and showed maps which compared the water levels of the canals in 1979 and now. There is a great concern that most of our areas are underwater, esp. properties with homes built prior to 1980. Our average is 4.3 ft. and, as reference, Cooper City is at 9 ft. Each property is responsible for maintaining its own water. Berms are critical for this water retention, yet there are property owners who maintain them illegally or remove the berms. A resident asked why there are new homes that do not have berms (e.g., NE corner of Stirling and Holatee), and the Commissioner responded that the property will need action and clean up the canal. Our annual budget is $2.3MM, and we need 4 pumps priced at $28M.

Davie Police report: Officer Elliott advised that 6 homes had vehicle burglaries. 12 vehicles were unlocked, and in one case, the burglars took a garage opener from a vehicle and opened the garage. Remember to lock your cars and remove your FOBs from your cars!! Also, he encouraged all to do a “9 PM routine” by going outside and double-checking cars and locks.

Council comments: Mayor Steve acknowledged the passing of Vinny Falletta. He was a pioneer of Southwest Ranches and a beloved neighbor, and was instrumental in establishing the drainage for our area. The first Farmers’ Market will be September 24. Also, the Mayor’s call will start again starting Wednesday, September 14. President Chris encouraged residents to attend this very valuable meeting.

Councilman Bob Hartmann advised that he is up for re-election this year and asked for everyone’s vote. Bob highlighted some important items including the switch to a new solid waste contractor, Waste Management (WM), starting October 1. Their service is expected to be far superior to the current provider’s. We will continue with recycling and WM will provide more education regarding their services. Every property will receive a 96-gallon pail, which must be used solely for waste. Residents may contact WM directly if they want to buy additional pails. Incidentally, WM will be at our next HOA meeting.

Councilman David Kuczenski provided a brief update. The Green Meadows new association expressed thanks for the $500 which our association voted last month to give them as a help to start up our neighbors’ new civic association. GM will be filing papers soon in Tallahassee.

State Representative Robin Bartleman thanked the Mayor, Town Council and Board for the invitation to be at our meeting. She highlighted some accomplishments during her first term; she has been working with Broward County on a plan to upgrade the canal control gates and secured $2MM for a study that will evaluate and update the drainage and flood protection for the Ranches and Broward Co. She is also working to pass legislation regarding fireworks to protect our horses. Her office number is 954-424-6828.

Finally, Jason Halberg thanked DaNell D’Alfonso’s great coordination in putting together the meeting at Wunderbar. He asked for a motion to use up to $1000 from the budget for the next in-person meetings and events. The motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously. He also highlighted the Arts Board mural project at the CVS on Flamingo and Griffin and asked for a contribution toward this from our budget. A motion was made and seconded for a $1200 budget and passed unanimously.

DaNell conducted a raffle and prizes were given away.

Next meeting will be held at Wunderbar on September 28 at 7:30 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:07.


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