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SRHA General Meeting Minutes July 26, 2023

President Christina Brownlow called the meeting to order via a Zoom call and laid out the agenda for the evening. Jim led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Davie Police: Detective Velazquez asked Officer Perez to provide the stats regarding felonies. There were 4 in the month of June: 2 were from a house on Hancock that is under construction and 2 A/C units were stolen, probably an inside job; an additional 2 were at a business on Flamingo Road, which had food stolen overnight. 180 extra watches were completed by police officers at night. Officer Elliot reminded everyone about the vacation watches, the special needs registry for adults and juveniles in our area, and the “9 PM routine” (to remove key fobs, lock your cars, lock your doors). Det. Velazquez said that there were 2 auto thefts, both of which had the key fobs in the car, so please lock your cars. There were no mail thefts, but there were some thefts of landscaping equipment from trucks (while they were cutting residents’ yards). Let your companies know about this. Finally, there were 77 citations, most of which were speeding tickets.

Jim shared a situation where a stranger asked if he could store his car, for a fee, at Jim’s house and did not allow him. Jim said this could have been a stolen car. Resident Marianne Allen then shared a situation where a car drove up slowly toward her and her friend and turned off its lights as if to do something malicious. She then had an encounter with a SWAT team who advised her that 2 children in her street were sold to sex traffickers. She asked Det. Velazquez about Davie Police’s capabilities to handle sex trafficking, who said that they have a unit that works with the FBI at the federal level. Please, if you see something suspicious, call Davie Police. Finally, a resident asked about the Vacation Watch if the fence is locked. Davie Police will check around the property from the street, but will not enter the fence.

Chris then asked the Council members who were on the call for their updates, and to esp. cover the main item of the incinerator.

Councilman Bob Hartmann went over the Budget hearings, which will be in August. By law, we are to have 2 budget meetings; the first on August 15 will be the preliminary budget to review taxes, etc. with impact from the public, if you are interested. The goal is not to raise taxes. Regarding the incinerator issue: there is involvement by the Broward School District on this important issue because there are a total of 40 schools in the area which would be impacted by the county incinerator, if it were to go through. He also said that he is looking for a Public Relations specialist to assist in communicating the impact of this. Chris also encouraged all to read The Waggler and The Rancher to ensure you are up to date. These updates are also posted on the Town’s website. Bob addressed some residents’ questions.

Councilperson David Kuczenski gave updates on the public safety contract (39 pages) and an issue regarding the fire and rescue services. Also, he showed the new Rancher publication design and said that the Rural Public Arts and Design advisory board is having its photo contest (deadline is September 5). He also brought up the incinerator and his interest in aggressively lobbying the members of the interlocal agreement (ILA) and wants residents to contact him if interested in taking part in this. This will affect everyone, and his biggest concern is the contamination of the ground water.

Vice Mayor Allbritton reminded everyone about the Clean Air resident group and how important it is for people to be involved. Additionally, we rotate the speed trailer around town to monitor speeding. His email is if you are interested in having the trailer on your street.

Councilman Jablonski added a point to the incinerator issue: the League of Women Voters and the Sierra Club endorsed the ILA and we need to ask them what is their hardline position on incinerators. Also, the next solid waste drop-off will be on Sept. 23.

Mayor Steve was on vacation.

President Chris then addressed other agenda items. First, to move the HOA meetings to 7 pm, and asked for a motion. David Kuczenski made a motion to move the SRHOA meetings to 7 pm. Ed Gonzalez seconded, and it was approved. Meetings will go into effect for the August meeting, which will be via Zoom.

Vice President DaNell advised that our Communications intern is no longer helping us because he moved, so she will have a new intern starting soon.

She then opened it up for resident input. Richard Ramcharitar submitted an opinion article to the Waggler regarding the incinerator (will be in The Rancher as well). He thanked the Council for taking a stand against incineration and passing the resolution. He said that a grass roots effort has been launched under the Energy Justice network called Broward Clean Air. ( He agrees with David regarding lobbying and said he has gotten a lot of support from the Miccosukee tribe. Richard will reach out to Miami Mayor Daniella Levine Cava because there is word that other counties like Miami would also bring their trash to Broward if this incinerator goes forward.

Finally, a resident asked about the 4-acre plot of land that is on SW 135 Ave and Griffin, which is not platted and is being developed. Chris advised the resident to attend the Council meeting to bring this up.

The next meeting will be on August 30 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.


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