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SRHA General Meeting Minutes June 28, 2023

President Christina Brownlow welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM. She thanked the residents and police officers for their presence at the meeting. She asked our veteran, and neighbor, Bob Parker to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. She also thanked DaNell D’Alfonso and Carlos Martinez for the evening’s refreshments.

Davie Police Department updates: Detective Velazquez was pleased to see mail theft under control. They found mail belonging to residents in South Miami in one of the Sunshine Ranches resident’s mailboxes. The detective informed it was a group of people that has been identified. The police traffic report includes over 258 speed citations. Camera readers have been installed around the town. They read plates but do not prevent fraud. He also stressed the importance of being in contact with the police and staying informed by downloading the app “SaferWatch.” “If You See Something, Say Something,” and the app is the best way to get the police right away. Detective Velazquez continues to remind residents to check their mail every day and to lock their cars, even those in the garage, and to not leave keys, fobs, or any object of value inside.

Mayor Steve Breitkreuz, Vice-mayor Jim Allbritton, Councilmen Bob Hartmann, Gary Jablonski, and David Kuczenski were all present and discussed different issues:

  • Mayor Breitkreuz asked everyone to support NOT having an incinerator in our town. He welcomes our thoughts and feedback focusing on true recycling efforts. This plant would be part of the present, and future, plans for Broward County to have 3 in total in the county by 2030. Also, on the 4th of July celebration, residents can use fireworks as it is one of the 3 days the governor has approved for fireworks.

  • Vice-mayor Allbritton reminded everyone to stay hydrated, including the animals. He mentioned the ILA, first Broward County Interlocal Agreement, to reduce the amount of waste going to our landfills.

  • Councilman Hartmann spoke about the noise and the issues related to noise; the Town is working on this issue.

  • Councilman Kuczenski mentioned the upcoming Public Safety Contract, which is a big expense for every municipality. “Extending this agreement to 10 years will allow the administration to effectively plan and budget the expenses.”

SRHOA VP, DaNell D’Alfonso, raffled items she designed.

The next meeting will be on July 26th at 7:30 pm via Zoom. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.


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