President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ani recognized new attendees: Mr. and Mrs. Singh, Barbara Warlen, Darlene Hay.
Davie Police Department Update by Lieutenant Brugman
December: No major incidents; 23 crashes; speeding and stop sign violations;
2015: 1,759 citations issued.
Update on Town Events and Projects by Councilman Gary Jablonski
A pavilion will be installed at Trailside Park as a memorial to Gary Poliakoff;
Broward County Mayor Marty Kiar supplied information regarding the “Yellow Dot” program: Persons with medical conditions fill out a form and place in their glove box, then apply the “yellow dot” sticker to the rear window to alert 1st responders to an accident or incident where driver is incapacitated;
Isolde mentioned a concern of a resident regarding the Town’s publication of Town meetings dealing with land use or zoning changes in the Miami Herald, rather than the Sun-Sentinel; Gary will look into it;
With regard to the bulk trash article in the January Southwest Rancher: there is an exception for those residents living on Stirling Road where there are guardrails;
The Town is considering placing the Town’s sign, which will be lit at night, at our Flamingo and Stirling entrance; will be voted on by the Council.
President’s Report (Ani)
Is asking for volunteers to landscape the other entrances and for the Beautification Committee;
Christmas Party: about 100 residents attended; with lots of food left over
Is grateful for the three new candidates for our Board election; the election will take place in March and a quorum of 20 is needed.
Committee Reports
Membership (Judi Parker): 315 members, the highest membership that we’ve seen in years.
Waggler (Ani): Errors in the January issue are due to the transition from the layout editor to Saied’s company; this change also saves us $250 per month because Saied will not charge us for the layout.
Sunshine (Rachel Greene): Sent letters of welcome to three new residents and a card to Sandra (ankle injury).
Drainage (Vince Falletta): His article in January’s Waggler pertains to residents living on the south side of Luray; they have to apply for the tax exemption on the power easement; it is not retroactive since owning the property.
Unfinished Business
Nominating Committee (Judi): The President, Vice President, and Secretary will remain on the Board; Judi is running for Treasurer; nominees for the Board of Directors are Ryan Case, Vince Falletta, David Kuczenski, Vilma Lopez, and Rosina Marrapodi; Ani requested that Saied’s name be added and noted that Dehlia and Rachel have expressed a desire to step down.
Guest Speaker: Susan Kung, Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office
Ms. Kung is part of the Outreach Division; she went through a list of about ten property exemptions, the most important of which are:
Homestead Exemption: the renewal card is sent out annually; no need to do anything, except save the card, if there are no changes;
Senior Exemption: renewed in February for low-income seniors (household income not to exceed $28,482), must be 65 by January 1; need to re-apply if income exceeds maximum one year and drops back down next year;
Widow’s or Widower’s Exemption: $500 exemption; continues until homeowner remarries.
Ms. Kung emphasized reading the TRIM Notice.
New Business
Election Committee: Ani went over the duties of this committee; Bill Greene, Darlene Hay, and Barbara Warlen volunteered for the committee; the March 30 election meeting begins at 7:00 pm, voting begins at 7:30 pm and closes at 9:00 pm.
Ani spoke about the proposed change in the annual dues.
Vince announced that the South Broward Republican Club is awarding a $1000 scholar-ship to graduating seniors to further their education.
Darlene Hay spoke about upcoming event “Chasing Butterflies: The Walk for Turner Syndrome” will take place at T-Y Park on February 20th beginning at 8:00 am; the registration fee is $15. This fundraiser will have a guest speaker, games for kids, raffles, and vendors. Turner Syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects only females and most often results in miscarriage.
Aster Knight announced that the annual Chili Cook Off will take place on March 5th; would like to have 20 contestants.
Ani mentioned some of the benefits of membership in our association: voting, personal ads in the Waggler.
With regard to the approval of meeting minutes, as listed in the agenda, Sandra noted that this seldom occurs due to the lack of a quorum; she suggested doing away with this item. Therefore, Sandra made a motion to change the by-laws to eliminate the requirement to vote on the minutes as part of the order of business; Dave seconded.
Call to Action:
Come to the Valentine’s Day Dance (13th of February)
Volunteer for a committee.
Ani wished all a Happy Valentine’s Day.
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm.
President Ani Ruiz Chang called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ani recognized new attendee Laura Buenaventura who is starting a pet/home sitting business.
Davie Police Department Update by Officer Dave Graziadei
* Be vigilant and cognizant of your property and car during the holidays;
* Lock your vehicle and remove personal items;
* November: 141 citations issued, 19 reported accidents, 354 calls for service;
* January – November 2015: 2,223 citations and 231 reported accidents.
Vice Mayor Doug McKay stated the Town requested a traffic survey for the intersection of I-75 and Griffin Road, due to 240 accidents since January.
Ani passed on the information from Councilman Gary Jablonski that the guard rail project on Stirling has been completed.
Vice Mayor McKay mentioned that the Town election is next November; he will be running for the mayor’s seat, so his council seat will be open.
Ani stated that the guest speaker at next month’s meeting will be a representative from the Broward Property Appraiser’s office, who will speak about exemptions.
President’s Report (Ani)
* Adopt a Corner: Regarding the two large entry signs, Zito Landscape Design has agreed to donate all labor to landscape the signs; some nurseries may donate the plants.
* Joint HOA Christmas Party: Scheduled for Friday, December 18, 6-10 pm; original date changed due to a conflict; SRHA was assigned to bring side dishes or desserts; ROCA will provide the main dish; Country Estates will bring drinks and paper goods; Santa is due to arrive at 8:00 pm and will present a wrapped gift to children if prior arrangements are made.
* Ani stated that her article in the Waggler recapped the year; she gave an update on finances; we have made progress on collections; all ads that are under contract and we have attracted new advertisers.
Treasurer’s Report
Saied noted an error; the left side of “Checks & Fees” has seven entries, whereas the right side lists only six amounts; however, the balance is correct. Ani stated that there is $10,550 coming in for the year from committed advertisers.
Committee Reports
Membership (Judi Parker): 310 members, the highest membership that we’ve seen in years.
Drainage (Vince Falletta): The drainage system at the corner of Mustang and Hancock should be completed this month. Town Engineer Clete Saunier is resigning on January 4 and moving to Colorado. For those property owners on the south side of Luray, the Property Appraiser is assessing only a portion (50%) under the power transmission lines, not the entire 330-foot easement. The power-line easement is assessed at a little less than the property can be built on. Our Town Administrator was able to get this changed. The nursery at Sheridan and Volunteer has received a permit from the drainage district. CBWCD has been doing a good job cleaning up the canals.
New Business
Feedback regarding Mustang traffic: Teenagers are blasting through the stop sign at Mustang and Melaleuca and are speeding on Mustang.
Ani noted that at the beginning of 2016, a petition about absent lot owners will be circulated; it will express our desire for the Town to intercede to have the owners clean up unsightly properties. Vice Mayor McKay stated that our Town is pro-active on three items: illegal dumping; illegal fill; overgrowth of residential lots (requiring owners to clear 25 feet around the perimeter of the property).
Nominating Committee: Will consist of Judi, Ruth, and Vilma. Ani noted that SRHA needs new people and fresh ideas. The secretary (Isolde) informed the meeting attendees that, according to our by-laws, “any member desiring to be a candidate for the Board shall give written notice to the Secretary of the Association not less than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled election.” Therefore, notice must be given by February 29, 2016.
Vilma is spearheading a community garden effort; Ani and the HOA will back her up in this. It may feed into a future monthly farmers’ market.
Rosina is developing a SWR Bible study.
Call to Action:
* Bring a favorite dish to the Christmas party.
* Serve on the Board.
Ani wished a blessed Hanukkah to our Jewish members, a beautiful Christmas, and a wonderful New Year to all. The best is yet to come.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Vice President Sandra Farah called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Sandra welcomed attendees and shared Ani apologized for her absence.
Davie Police Department Update by Officer Tara Bradley
431 calls for service in September;
199 citations issued in September;
Reported by Residents: Black Lexus speeding east on Luray, passing other cars;
And hearing gunshots at Abundant Living Ministries two weeks ago, was told they were practice shooting which had been cleared by Pembroke Pines; Officer Bradley recommended complaining to Pembroke Pines.
Sandra recognized Vice Mayor Freddy Fisikelli and Aster Knight in attendance.
Update on Town Events and Projects by Councilman Gary Jablonski
Gary stated that the SRHA bronze plaques were cut into the stones in the oasis area of the Equestrian Park and passed around photos; pictures from our past were installed in the East Room in the Rolling Oaks Barn.
Public Service Announcements:
Classic Car Show (AKF), November 14, 11 am – 3 pm;
Mini-Flow, November 19 and December 11;
Country Estates Park Trail grand opening, December 5, 12 noon – 4 pm.
Public Works Projects:
Dykes Road drainage project;
Stirling Road guard rail installation;
Town Hall roofing project and parking lot.
Gary commented on the report of shooting at ALM; the State of Florida allows this on private property.
Sandra shared concern of damage to swales and canal banks by the bulk waste trucks and took photos of the damage. Gary suggested sending the photos to Sandy Luongo, who will place “Do not place bulk trash here” signs. Sandra commented this won’t solve the problem, as we will run out of space to place bulk trash; the issue needs to be addressed. A resident stated that some residents who do not live on the canal side are placing their bulk trash on the canal side. Also noted that some also place their bulk along the canal and extend the trash five feet into the street, which is dangerous.
President’s Report read by Sandra
The SRHA was present at the Craft Fair, $47 was made from the 50-50 raffle, one resident signed up as a member;
The two large entrance signs were repaired and repainted; the metal plaques were removed to be cleaned and restored; partial landscaping will begin soon with help from volunteer and resident Ryan Case; a resident remarked suggested we use the color scheme from the town signs and adapt it into our signs; she also noted that the landscaping never survives at the Flamingo and Stirling sign because a large locust colony lives in the canal bank; they hatch in the summer and feed on the plants.
Regarding the five smaller metal signs throughout our neighborhood, Ryan Case has volunteered to look into having the signs wrapped;
The Town’s Birthday Celebration: SRHA will host a pumpkin patch, baked goods sale, 50-50 raffle; residents are needed to pick up the pumpkins from the Methodist church on November 1; need volunteers on the day of the event to work our booth
Classic Car Show: Volunteers are needed to solicit Farmer’s Market vendors.
Treasurer’s Report
Saied reviewed the report as printed in the Waggler.
Committee Reports
Membership (Judi): 311 members, 387 non-members.
Unfinished Business
Sandra thanked Rosina for bringing the refreshments.
Resident feedback: Ani wants to hear from residents if any traffic changes have occurred (Luray & Mustang) due to increased police presence.
New Business
Christmas party, December 19: The SRHA organizing choir to sign Christmas carols; possibly check out neighborhood schools if they have choirs; resident suggested karaoke.
Sandra acknowledged the four veterans present at the meeting and invited all to partake of the refreshments.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.